Rope skipping I. and II. - jumping rope
The course is suitable for educational staff (physical education teachers, leisure activity educators), group class instructors, coaches of children's and youth sports, active parents, and individuals who are interested in enhancing their fitness training with rope jumping. We also invite: DDM, Sokol, ČASPV - establishing leisure activity groups (clubs) for children.
Date of the event: 25. - 26. 05. 2024
Registration deadline: 20. 05. 2024
Course duration: 15h
Course guarantor: Mgr. Jana Černá
Location: FTVS UK, José Martího 269/31, Prague 6 - Veleslavín
Category: | Past courses |
The course is focused on acquiring basic theoretical knowledge and practical movement skills in the area of rope skipping/jump rope. Participants will learn basic techniques and skills for jumping over various lengths of ropes. They will learn a skill index for exercises for individuals (single rope), exercises for pairs (the two in the loop), group exercises with one or more ropes (travelling), long rope (long rope 4m and 10m), double dutch (two long ropes rotating in opposite directions). They will gain knowledge about the use of ropes in both the busy and preparatory parts of the warm-up with musical accompaniment.
Schedule of content:
Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 18.00 hours. (7 hours practice, 8 hours theory).
Course content:
- Concept of rope skipping, history of rope skipping, global organizations, national organizations, rope skipping in the Czech Republic, types of ropes, how to choose a rope, ideas for using rope skipping in the field: PE in elementary schools, fitness, conditioning training, recreational activities, competitive rope skipping.
- Warm-up with a rope - busy and preparatory part.
- Methodology of practicing turning, basic manipulations with the rope and the first jumps for complete beginners (children and adults), single rope (individual exercises).
- Basic index of two-legged single rope jumps (individual exercises).
- Jumping over a 10m rope (long rope), detailed theoretical explanation of basic rope turning skills, differences in jumping methods, how to start and finish jumps for individuals and whole groups, how to successfully implement exerciser exchanges during rope jumps (12 - 20 jumpers), introduction to the rules of the long rope competition (10m rope).
- Methodologies for practicing jumps over a long 4m rope (groups of exercisers), 10m rope (large groups, whole classes of 12 - 20 exercisers).
- Methodology of practicing turning and jumping in pairs in the form of "traveling", in pairs, trios, quartets.
- Interventional Rope Skipping movement program in elementary schools for first grades, video examples and commentary on public performances and competitive choreographies, questions and answers of course participants, group discussion.
- Warm-up with musical accompaniment, basic index of one-legged jumps (single rope - individual exercises) and their difficulty modifications according to the advancement of exercisers.
- Exercises in pairs - “the two in the loop” - exercises “long rope 4m” with Double Dutch (two long ropes rotating in opposite directions).
- Selection of musical templates for: warm-up (preparatory and busy part), selection of music for basic manipulations with the rope and their practice.
By completing the course, you will:
1. Learn a diverse index of skills with various lengths of ropes: single rope (individual exercises), the two in the loop (exercises for pairs with one rope), long rope (group exercises with a 4m rope), Double Dutch (group exercises - two ropes rotating in opposite directions), Long rope (long 10m rope).
2. Be equipped with practical procedures, will quickly teach children to jump ropes and gradually vary the difficulty of skills.
3. Meet the founder of Rope Skipping in the Czech Republic, who will willingly share 18 years of experience.
4. Receive a rope skipping rope included in the course fee.
5. In two days, gain a diverse index of skills with various lengths of ropes, which can be immediately applied in PE classes, or to start a recreational club.
Transportation: own
Catering: refreshments for participants: coffee, tea, fruits/vegetables, cookies (salty sweet), own lunch
Jana Černá